This project started when Matthias asked me to write a piece for him. This piece is truly a cooperation work since I am not a guitar player. Matthias encouraged me to just write and deal later with practical problems. And so we did! Our work together was very enriching, but what I am the most thankful for, is that Matthias trusted my work.
The whole atmosphere of this piece is similar to when someone is thinking about the world and with honesty that something is profoundly wrong or broken here. Most of the variations carries this heaviness and conflict, but it’s only near the end where there is a breath of air and a message of hope.
Together with Ellis Potter and Santiago Sauer, this was my first film project. The word diligit is a declined form of the latin verb to love. In the film, the music is not the main subject, but a supporter of the message, especially for the questions, so that these short pieces are actully musical questions. The content is strongly connected to my life, however I will not say much about this. If you are curious, then watch the short film.
The inspiration for these miniatures started with the pieces Les Cinq Doigts from Stravinsky, because I was amazed by how the composer made such good music with almost “nothing”!
However the end result would not have been nearly the same without Tirza’s artworks! The images are so beautiful, powerful and so well connected with the content of the music that finally I often see my own pieces as secondary, and I get the same reaction when I show this little book. Seeing that Schumann wanted illustrations for his Album für die Jugend and he did not get them, I see that these artworks are a tremendous gift.